Detailní informace o produktu

Typ produktu Česká technická norma (ČSN)
Oznaèení zákl. dokumentu ČSN EN 13598-1
Tøídicí znak 646432
Katalogové èíslo 510735
Název dokumentu Plastové potrubní systémy pro netlakové kanalizační přípojky a stokové sítě - Neměkčený polyvinylchlorid (PVC-U), polypropylen (PP) a polyethylen (PE) - Část 1: Specifikace pro pomocné tvarovky a mělké komory
Anglický název Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 1: Specifications for ancillary fittings and shallow chambers
Datum vydání 01.11.2020
Datum ukonèení platnosti
Datum úèinnosti 01.12.2020
Vìstník vydání (mìs/rok) 11/20
Vìstník zrušení
Zpùsob vydání ve věstníku
Zpùsob pøevzetí originálu vyhlášením
Bude pøeložena Ne
Použité jazyky
ICS kódy 23.040.05 - Potrubí a jeho součásti pro povrchové odpadní systémy
23.040.20 - Trubky z plastů
93.030 - Vnější systémy odvádění odpadních vod
Klíèová slova
Harmonizace/Urèení Informace o harmonizovaných a urèených normách jsou zveøejnìny v Databázi harmonizovaných norem
Zapracované dokumenty
OznaèeníRok vydání
EN 13598-12020
Nahrazuje dokumenty
Katalogové èísloOznaèeníRok vydání
87936ČSN EN 13598-1 2011
Byla nahrazena dokumenty

ČSN EN 13598-1 This document specifies the definitions and requirements for ancillary fittings and shallow chambers installed underground in non-pressure drainage and sewerage systems and manufactured from unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP), polypropylene with mineral modifier (PP-MD) or polyethylene (PE) intended for use for: - non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage outside the building structure (application area code "U"), and - non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage for both buried in ground within the building structure (application area code "D") and outside the building structure. This is reflected in the marking of products by "U" and "UD". It also covers the jointing of the ancillary fittings and shallow chambers to the pipework system. The ancillary fittings covered by this standard are the following: - sealed access fittings; - rodding point covers; - rodding tees; - mechanical saddles. Ancillary fittings according to this document are intended for use in pedestrian areas, except rodding tees and mechanical saddles which can also be used in vehicular trafficked areas. NOTE 1 - Pedestrian areas are as defined in EN 124-1. Ancillary fittings can be installed to a maximum depth of 6,0 m from ground level, with the exception of rodding point covers. Shallow chambers according to this document are intended for use in private drains located in pedestrian areas above the ground water table, to a maximum depth of 2,0 m from ground level to the invert of the main channel. This document covers shallow chambers with flow profile bases, and their joints to the piping system. NOTE 2 - Manholes and inspection chambers are specified in EN 13598-2 [1]. Ancillary fittings and shallow chambers complying with this document also comply with the general requirements given in EN 476. Ancillary fittings and shallow chambers can be manufactured by various methods e.g. injection moulding, rotational moulding, spiral winding or fabricated from components made to other standards. NOTE 3 - Products complying with this document can be used with pipes, fittings and other components conforming to any of the plastics products standards listed in Clause 2, providing their dimensions are compatible. NOTE 4 - Products complying with this document can be installed in underground applications without additional static calculation. NOTE 5 - Ancillary fittings and shallow chambers can be subject to national safety regulations and / or local provisions.