Detailní informace o produktu

Typ produktu Česká technická norma (ČSN)
Oznaèení zákl. dokumentu ČSN EN 378-4
Tøídicí znak 140647
Katalogové èíslo 502048
Název dokumentu Chladicí zařízení a tepelná čerpadla - Bezpečnostní a environmentální požadavky - Část 4: Provoz, údržba, oprava a rekuperace
Anglický název Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 4: Operation, maintenance, repair and recovery
Datum vydání 01.06.2017
Datum ukonèení platnosti 01.11.2017
Datum úèinnosti 01.07.2017
Vìstník vydání (mìs/rok) 6/17
Vìstník zrušení
Zpùsob vydání ve věstníku
Zpùsob pøevzetí originálu vyhlášením
Bude pøeložena Ano
Použité jazyky
ICS kódy 27.080 - Tepelná čerpadla
27.200 - Technika chlazení
Klíèová slova
Harmonizace/Urèení Informace o harmonizovaných a urèených normách jsou zveøejnìny v Databázi harmonizovaných norem
Zapracované dokumenty
OznaèeníRok vydání
EN 378-42016
Nahrazuje dokumenty
Katalogové èísloOznaèeníRok vydání
91920ČSN EN 378-4+A1 2012
Byla nahrazena dokumenty
Katalogové èísloOznaèeníRok vydání
503036ČSN EN 378-4 2017

ČSN EN 378-4 This European Standard specifies the requirements for the safety of persons and property, provides guidance for the protection of the environment and establishes procedures for the operation, maintenance and repair of refrigerating systems and the recovery of refrigerants. The term "refrigerating system" used in this European Standard includes heat pumps. This standard applies: a) to refrigerating systems, stationary or mobile, of all sizes including heat pumps; b) to secondary cooling or heating systems; c) to the location of the refrigerating systems; d) to parts replaced and components added after adoption of this standard if they are not identical in function and capacity. This standard does not cover "motor vehicle air conditioners" constructed according to product standards such as ISO 13043. Systems using refrigerants other than those listed in EN 378-1:2016, Annex E are not covered by this standard unless they have been assigned to a safety class according to ISO 817. This standard does not apply to goods in storage. This standard is not applicable to refrigeration systems and heat pumps which were manufactured before the date of its publication as a European Standard except for extensions and modifications to the system which were implemented after publication. This standard is applicable to new refrigerating systems, extensions or modifications of already existing systems, and for existing stationary systems, being transferred to and operated on another site. This standard also applies in the case of the conversion of a system to another refrigerant type, in which case conformity to the relevant clauses of parts 1 to 4 of the standard shall be assessed. This Part 4 of the European Standard specifies requirements for safety and environmental aspects in relation to operation, maintenance, and repair of refrigerating systems and the recovery, reuse and disposal of all types of refrigerant, refrigerant oil, heat-transfer fluid, refrigerating system and part thereof. These requirements are intended to minimise risks of injury to persons and damage to property and the environment resulting from improper handling of the refrigerants or from contaminants leading to system breakdown and resultant emission of the refrigerant. Subclauses 4, 5.1.1 to 5.1.4, 5.2, 5.3.1, 5.3.3 and 6.6 of this European Standard are not applicable to unitary systems having a power cord, being factory sealed, and in conformance with EN 60335 series.