Detailní informace o produktu

Typ produktu Česká technická norma (ČSN)
Oznaèení zákl. dokumentu ČSN EN ISO 4254-5
Tøídicí znak 470601
Katalogové èíslo 505950
Název dokumentu Zemědělské stroje - Bezpečnost - Část 5: Motorem poháněné stroje pro zpracování půdy
Anglický název Agricultural machinery - Safety - Part 5: Power-driven soilworking machines
Datum vydání 01.01.2019
Datum ukonèení platnosti 01.07.2019
Datum úèinnosti 01.02.2019
Vìstník vydání (mìs/rok) 1/19
Vìstník zrušení
Zpùsob vydání ve věstníku
Zpùsob pøevzetí originálu vyhlášením
Bude pøeložena Ne
Použité jazyky
ICS kódy 65.060.20 - Stroje na zpracování půdy
Klíèová slova
Harmonizace/Urèení Informace o harmonizovaných a urèených normách jsou zveøejnìny v Databázi harmonizovaných norem
Zapracované dokumenty
OznaèeníRok vydání
EN ISO 4254-52018
ISO 4254-52018
Nahrazuje dokumenty
Katalogové èísloOznaèeníRok vydání
85821ČSN EN ISO 4254-5 2010
Byla nahrazena dokumenty
Katalogové èísloOznaèeníRok vydání
507690ČSN EN ISO 4254-5 2019

ČSN EN ISO 4254-5 This document, intended to be used together with ISO 4254-1, specifies the safety requirements and their verification for the design and construction of mounted, semi-mounted and trailed power-driven soil-working machines used in agriculture. In addition, it specifies the type of information on safe working practices (including residual risks) to be provided by the manufacturer. This document deals with significant hazards (as listed in Annex A), hazardous situations and events relevant to power-driven soil-working machines used as intended and under the conditions foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4). This document is not applicable to -spading machines, and - machines fitted with a retractable device making them capable of working between two successive plants in the same row. This document is not applicable to environmental hazards. It is not applicable to hazards related to moving parts for power transmission (except for strength requirements for guards and barriers) or to maintenance or repairs carried out by professional service personnel. NOTE 1: Specific requirements related to road traffic regulations are not taken into account in this document. NOTE 2: Vibrations are not regarded as a significant hazard in the case of mounted, semi-mounted or trailed machines. This document is not applicable to power-driven soil-working machines which are manufactured before the date of its publication. When requirements of this document are different from those which are stated in ISO 4254-1, the requirements of this document take precedence over the requirements of ISO 4254-1 for machines that have been designed and built according to the provisions of this document.